Project Structure

AgentScope AI is designed with a modular and scalable architecture to ensure flexibility, security, and performance. This section provides a comprehensive breakdown of the project's structure, outlining the key components and their roles in the system.

Directory Structure

The project follows a well-organized directory structure, ensuring maintainability and ease of development. Below is an overview of the primary directories and files:

│-- src/
│   │-- core/
│   │   │-- security/
│   │   │-- audit/
│   │   │-- ai-engine/
│   │-- modules/
│   │   │-- privacy-dex/
│   │   │-- smart-contract-analysis/
│   │-- utils/
│   │-- interfaces/
│   │-- config/
│-- docs/
│-- tests/
│-- scripts/
│-- deployment/
│-- package.json
│-- .env

Core Components

1. src/ - Source Code Directory

This is the primary directory where all the core functionalities of AgentScope AI reside. It contains the following subdirectories:

  • core/ - Contains core functionalities such as security enforcement, auditing mechanisms, and AI-driven analysis engines.

  • modules/ - Includes modular features such as the Privacy DEX integration and smart contract analysis tools.

  • utils/ - A collection of utility functions and helpers used across the project.

  • interfaces/ - Defines APIs, data models, and interaction protocols.

  • config/ - Configuration files for setting up different environments and system parameters.

2. docs/ - Documentation

Holds the project documentation, including technical guides, API references, and user manuals.

3. tests/ - Testing Framework

Contains unit tests, integration tests, and security test scripts to ensure system integrity and robustness.

4. scripts/ - Automation Scripts

Includes deployment scripts, monitoring tools, and automation utilities for CI/CD pipelines.

5. deployment/ - Deployment Configurations

Manages infrastructure deployment settings, including Docker files, Kubernetes configurations, and cloud service integrations.

6. Other Files

  • - A high-level overview of the project, setup instructions, and quick start guides.

  • package.json - Manages project dependencies and metadata.

  • .env - Stores environment variables for sensitive data such as API keys and database credentials.

Last updated